The past few days have been filled with beautiful conversations as people have shared their hearts, stories, and their perspectives on the political happenings. We met an Israeli soldier, Phil, on our bus ride to the West Bank. He shared why he volunteered to serve in the Israeli army and encouraged us to continue to seek out truth for ourselves by talking to people.
We arrived at our new home Tuesday afternoon and were greeted by such a sweet mama, Laila. It has been wonderful to stay in someone's home and see how they live daily. We all sat down on the floor around a little table in the bedroom sharing a meal and laughed and listening to her stories. Laila was continuously scanning Facebook for the newest pictures or news on what was happening in Palestine. She would find a funny cartoon about the political situation and share it laying back in her bed laughing. Afterwards we went out with her daughter, Nabil, who was able to convince her fiancé to let her go out with us, and a girl visiting from Poland to get a sweet treat.
Wednesday brought us face to face with the separation as we visited the Ibrahim Mosque. It is the tomb where Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and Leah, Isaac and Rebekah were buried. Over the years the building has been separated into two parts. On one side of Abraham's tomb there is a synagogue and on the other side a mosque. Each side can peer into the tomb through windows. Between the sides there is a bullet proof window. No matter which side of the tomb you go into, the other side can be heard and seen. The lovely gentleman who was taking us around I think said it best as he peered into the room of the tomb and could see people from the other window peering in, "there are our cousins! We are all descendants of Abraham!"
Later on we journeyed to Bethlehem for a conference, "Christ at the checkpoint", to listen to Dr. Abuelaish, an obstetrician from Gaza who served both Palestinians and Israelis. His story is interesting as he lost his daughters and niece when their house in Gaza was bombed. Instead of being filled with bitterness and anger, he chose to forgive and lives by the truth that you cannot stereotype a group of people based on a few people in the groups actions. His perspective looking at the political aspect of this nation and looking ahead for peace was that both sides are in bondage and until they are both free, neither will be free.
Afterwards we chatted with Richard, director for Jews for Jesus in Britain, whom we also met our first few nights here in Tel Aviv at the Jews for Jesus house. He is a messianic Jew and was one of the speakers in the very first "Christ at the Checkpoint" two years ago. He shared that for him to attend a conference he was viewed as a traitor and was a big step in an outlook for peace. He also opened our eyes to see that because the conflict has been going on for so long that people have become calloused. He confirmed what we had already heard pertaining to Jewish people, that they are a "prickly pear," honest and just take a little bit to get to know!
The reality is, there has been conflict, shame and blame placed on both sides. Everyone has a story and a perspective. Truth is we found ourselves a bit intertwined in all the politics, discussing the "rights and wrongs" and looking at peace talks and ways to create peace. Our perspective was changed yet again by the true giver of Peace and forgiveness. He sweetly and gently took our eyes and placed them back on Him and reminded us that we are love, we walk from His favor, to be bold as we listen and speak truth to people, and His spirit is leading us.
And so our journey continued back to the West Bank to stay with our mama Laila! Our night was filled with laughter, joy, eating, learning Palestinian dancing and listening to hearts. It has been an honor to stay, learn and love from our mama Laila and her family.
There is always hope and laughter we hear despite what is happening all around us and we are expectant and excited to see where He leads us!!! Each step we claim in peace as we move forward, Ephesians 2:13-16, "but now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He, Himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in His flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that He might create in Himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility."
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